From a legal point of view, criminal acts of corruption generally contain elements such as unlawful acts, abuse of authority, opportunities, or facilities, enriching oneself, others, or corporations, as well as harming the country’s finances.
Corruption was attempted by some unscrupulous officials in Indonesia. Many government officials from all lines carried out corruption and were caught red-handed by the Corruption investigators

However, routine corruption is thought to be ingrained and still cannot be completely eradicated.
That’s why, the dangers of corruption must be taught to all citizens from an early age so that it does not continue, especially in Indonesia.
The interpretation of corruption can be intertwined in any aspect of life, not only in government. As a result, corruption also grows with so many definitions.
Internationally, there is no one definition that is one of the references in the world about what is meant by corruption.
Corruption is a term that comes from the Latin “corruptio” from the verb “corrumpere”, which means rotten, damaged, destabilizing, twisting, bribing, stealing, stealing.
For the Oxford dictionary, the interpretation of corruption is dishonest or illegal, especially attempted by people in authority.
Then for the Big Indonesian Dictionary, the interpretation of corruption is the misappropriation or misuse of state money (industry, organizations, foundations, and so on) for the benefit of individuals or others.
Meanwhile, according to Indonesian law, corruption is an act against the law with the intention of enriching oneself/others, either individuals or corporations, which can harm the country’s finances/the country’s economy.
there are 30 corruption offenses which are categorized into 7 types, namely state financial losses, bribery, extortion, embezzlement in office, fraud, conflict of interest in the procurement of goods. and services, and gratuities.
In a broad sense, the interpretation of corruption is the abuse of formal positions for individual gain. All forms of government/government are prone to corruption in practice.
The severity of corruption varies, from very light in the form of the use of influence and support to give and receive help, to severe corruption that is determined, and so on.